Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First trip to ER

Yes, that's right the emergency room...Sunday after lunch I starting vomiting and couldn't stop. Everything that went in came out. YUCK! So Monday morning after 20 hours of constant vomiting, I called my OB and they said go to the ER to get some IV fluids. Eric and I headed to Theda Clark on Monday at 8am. I was given 2 liters of fluid and some IV zofran. It felt great getting that fluid in me. I was sent home by 10:30am and laid on the couch the rest of the day. Yesterday it started all over again...lunch time I ate 3 bites of my sandwich and instantly it came up and I continued to not be able to keep anything down until 8am this morning. I called my OB again and got a prescription for Zofran and so far so good, no episodes today. I was getting worried though when not even water would stay down and then stepping on the scale this morning and being down 9lbs since Sunday! Hopefully this Zofran helps with this! On a good note, we got our Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 18 results in and they were NEGATIVE!! Our chances of having a downs child are 1 in 8900 and Trisomy 18 are 1 in 10000!! GOOD NEWS!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thinking PINK...

I am extremely happy to report that my dear friend Megan had a baby GIRL last night!!! So of course today I head out shopping for baby Cecilia and boy I am in trouble if I have a girl...everything made for little girls is so adorable and way too much stuff ended up in my cart! Cecilia is going to be one very spoiled little girl! I am however going to continue to think PINK for me but will be happy either way! I did however have my first "baby" dream last night and it was a dream of the delivery. In my dream I had a baby girl on 10/30/10 at 2:04pm weighing in at 5lbs 15oz and it she came with ONE push! Yes, I know it was a dream but that would be PERFECT!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I jinxed myself!

I totally jinxed myself when I stated that my morning sickness was gone...after almost a week of keeping food down my dinner made a reappearance last night. Totally unexpected and unappreciated! On a good note I just read on Megan Willhites blog that she thinks she might have started labor last night!! Here's to hoping that Baby Willhite makes an appearance today!! Love you Megan!! Can't wait to see if you get PINK or BLUE!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Another one down, how many to go??

The latest picture of Baby Kappell

That is Doctor visits!!! I had my 4th doctor visit today and everything looks beautiful. Baby Kappell is measuring right on schedule at 11w6d. I also had my first trimester screening for Downs syndrome today. The measurement they look at on the ultrasound is the thickness of the skin on the back of the neck and the technician said it looked great. I also had to have some blood work done and they will put those two results together which give you the probability that the baby could have Downs Syndrome. Eric has a downs syndrome Aunt so it was recommended to have this extra testing done. The Mabee side of the family also has a chromosomal issue in which I had to have my DNA analyzed and I am happy to report that I am NOT a carrier of the problem!!! So happy about that!!! My morning/all day sickness is becoming less and less so hopefully it continues in that way! And I am really starting to "feel" pregnant. My belly is just starting to pop and I am wearing maternity jeans already!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

When will it end...

Yesterday was my worst day of morning sickness to seemed like anything that I put in my mouth soon also came out! Not a fun day! I have been blessed with morning sickness (more like all day sickness) from the moment I hit 6 weeks. Now with me being 11 weeks on Saturday you can say I am soooooo tired of having my head in the toilet! Hopefully I am not one of the lucky women who are sick their entire pregnancy. I am praying that it will end in a few weeks once I have officially started my second trimester. I just keep telling myself that a sick Mommy means a happy healthy baby!!
Also I am down to ONE pair of jeans that fit me won't be long before I will be wearing maternity clothes!
Another change I notice is that the skin of my belly is getting tighter. The lovenox shots I give myself every morning are starting to become harder to give. As my skin gets tighter it is like I am trying to push the needle through leather...I bought some Palmers Cocoa Butter lotion today in hopes that will help.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's a swimmer...

Eric and I went to Milwaukee today for another OB appointment and lucky us we got another ultrasound!! We got to see the little one moving all around and the heartbeat is wonderful at 171!!!!!!!! Baby is measuring 2 days ahead of schedule too...Eric was excited to get to come to this appointment and to meet the doctor (and he LIKES him!) No conflicting personalities!!! Dr. Broekhuizen also told me today that he is going to treat me like any other "normal" pregnant patient unless he is given reason not too...This was AMAZING to hear! It's not very common for me to get to hear the word "normal" in relation to anything dealing with my health. He is very optimistic that I will have an uneventful pregnancy because I have been so stable for so long. You could just see the relief in Eric when he heard those words. Two weeks from now I head back down to Milwaukee for another appointment, but now I head to bed (5am came way to early for me this morning...early morning appointments make for a very tired mommy!)