Wednesday, May 26, 2010

First trip to ER

Yes, that's right the emergency room...Sunday after lunch I starting vomiting and couldn't stop. Everything that went in came out. YUCK! So Monday morning after 20 hours of constant vomiting, I called my OB and they said go to the ER to get some IV fluids. Eric and I headed to Theda Clark on Monday at 8am. I was given 2 liters of fluid and some IV zofran. It felt great getting that fluid in me. I was sent home by 10:30am and laid on the couch the rest of the day. Yesterday it started all over again...lunch time I ate 3 bites of my sandwich and instantly it came up and I continued to not be able to keep anything down until 8am this morning. I called my OB again and got a prescription for Zofran and so far so good, no episodes today. I was getting worried though when not even water would stay down and then stepping on the scale this morning and being down 9lbs since Sunday! Hopefully this Zofran helps with this! On a good note, we got our Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 18 results in and they were NEGATIVE!! Our chances of having a downs child are 1 in 8900 and Trisomy 18 are 1 in 10000!! GOOD NEWS!!

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